Shadow Harvest Phantom Ops

Shadow Harvest Phantom Ops

Searching through the collected speeches of Jimmy Carter probably isn't the best way to scrounge
up an inspirational quote to use on the splash screen of a shooter. So seeing a line from the former 
President kicking off third-person shoot-'em-up Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops is rather
disconcerting. This terrible game is every bit as odd and inappropriate as the quotation in question,
which criticizes the US for dealing arms while claiming to be a nation of peace right before you
start indiscriminately killing foreigners. Virtually nothing is handled right. Levels are stuffed with
 idiotic enemies. Controls are sluggish, visuals are murky and blurry, load times are long, and
crashes are frequent. There is no save-on-demand, and auto-save points are spread ridiculously
far apart. And both the sound effects and the voice acting are so grating that you could use them
on a block of cheese. Blurry and ugly is no way to go through life, son. The only mode of play
 is a solo campaign set in the year 2025, in a smelly dystopian future where the world has gone
 to heck in a handbasket and the US of A is policing the globe via a grammatically challenged
group called the Intelligence Support Activity, or ISA. You alternate playing as two of these
 world cops: the gruff but lovable Aron Alvarez and the sneaky sniper babe Myra Lee. Bad stuff
is going down in a bad part of the world because of bad people, and you need to set things right
 by killing folks. Your main goal is the assassination of a Somali warlord named Kimosein, although
things go off track and you wind up trying to find out who's supplying the tyrant with high-tech
weaponry outlawed by the UN. Being able to swap between two different types of soldiers gives
Shadow Harvest a solo co-op vibe. Alvarez is the standard kill-'em-all tank with heavy weapons
good for frontal assaults against enemy grunts, snipers, and even mechs, while Lee is a stealthy
sort who slinks around and dispatches baddies up close and personal with retractable claws.
But even though this duo offers different ways to play the game, levels are paint-by-numbers
simple because of poor AI and linear level design. Neon signs might as well tell you 
when you need to switch soldiers, since it's obvious when Alvarez is needed to go on killing
sprees and when Lee is required to break high-tech locks or some necks. Some of Lee's stealth
sequences are somewhat nifty, however. The mechanics are simplistic, in that you crouch down,
creep up behind dim-witted guards, put them in headlocks, and turn out their lights, but Lee's
gadgets are undeniably cool. She gets to don a cloaking-device suit, shoot nano crossbow bolts
that instantly kill baddies and conceal their bodies, and kill with those Wolverine-like claws that
both slash enemy throats and inject them with nanites that hide their corpses. Glaring design flaws
 present more challenge than the Somali troops you're called on to kill. Poor damage feedback
makes it hard to tell when you've been shot without checking the depleting health stat in the lower
left of the screen. The beyond-frustrating auto-save system forces you to replay huge areas because
 the checkpoints are spread way too far apart. This save setup is so awful that parts of the game are
nearly unplayable. One section in level six requires you to trudge past sniper emplacements, take
 out a good 20 or so goons in a huge firefight, destroy a machine-gun nest, and sneak
 around to deal with more sentries plus a helicopter--all before getting the chance to finally
 save your progress. And taking cover has been automated to the point of extreme
awkwardness. You latch onto cover-providing terrain far too readily. This causes big trouble
when you try to get away from hiding spots, because you then have to expose yourself to enemy
 fire by backing away from the terrain feature before moving forward or sideways again.
Some of the sneaker sections of Shadow Harvest are mildly diverting.
 Environments have a strange, smeared quality last seen the morning after you had one too many 
margaritas. Somali street rubble has a blurry filter over it, as though the city has been overexposed
with too much bloom and then smeared with mud. You can shut bloom off, but then the brown gets
 so dark that sections of the game are pitch black. The inability to adjust the gamma in-game
makes it impossible to deal with these issues manually. Performance is far from ideal as well,
with frame rates frequently dipping into the teens on a machine that more than matches the
system requirements. As a result, it often feels like you're dragging an anchor around when
you move the mouse. Audio quality is so bad that you'll want to emulate Van Gogh, and
perhaps even go all-in and lop off the right ear, too. All of the spoken dialogue is from the
Fun With Phonics School of Voice Acting. Your commandos complain to HQ about being
left to die in Somali slums with all the heartfelt passion of ordering lunch at a drive-through 
window. Real human beings sound more upset when they break a shoelace. The sound effects
are equally grating. Weapons go off with little pops so tinny that the resulting lack of impact is
almost surreal, given that the noise heard is so far removed from the tracers flying all around in
firefights. Popping bubble wrap offers more auditory excitement. Only the soundtrack is something
of a highlight. While a fair number of the tunes are generic, bombastic shooter fare, some parts
of a few levels boast fantastic African tribal chanting and beats that sound like lost Peter Gabriel
cuts. Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops is a terrible shooter in every way save the occasionally
diverting stealth sequences. Oh, and just in case you needed some more nails in the coffin before
dismissing the chance of ever playing this one, you can't skip cutscenes, crashes to the desktop
for runtime errors are depressingly frequent, and there is at least one spot where you can fall
 through a floor and drop right out of the entire level. Consider that a lucky escape.

Screenshots Gallery :

System Requirements :

- Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
CPU: Intel 3.2 GHz or faster
HDD: 8 GB free disk space
Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
DirectX: Version 9.0c

- Recommended System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.2GHz or AMD
HDD: 8 GB free disk space
Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
DirectX: Version 9.0c

Download Shadow Harvest Game :




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